"3 Key Areas Where We May Have to Think Smarter Not Just Bigger for 1000 Years. Stephen Hawking Weighs In
"Is 1000 Year Thinking the New Black?"
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Photo Credit: Wikipedia |
We want to "Think Bigger" -- but if bigger thinking alone might cause us to miss serious problems (that we're missing) -- then we might need to start Thinking Smarter as well as Bigger for our 1000 Year Plan....
For SURE we have to start "Thinking Longer." For SURE we have to start "Thinking with Empathy." Empathy may be key for "The 1000 Year Mind"; we're all in this together and our ecosystems are connected globally.
- For all we know, are there are electromagnetic and other "star system ecosystems" as well? That only 1000 Year Planners are thinking about; why are the other planets heating up now, too?
Oops. Wait. Some traditional people tried to think decisions based on "7 generations impact" -- so at one point we were thinking ahead. Traditional peoples had enough good processes to bring us and our ecosystem -- to survive and flourish for eons -- until we began to experiment with large cities, agriculture, chemicals, the industrial revolution. Oops. But can we begin to transform our understanding and learn to thrive for eons in completely new ways -- if we start thinking:

Photo Credit: Wikipedia
What's Our 1000 Year Plan? Could we actually have Presidential Candidates run on a 1000 Year Plan...? Stay tuned...
Here are 3 Hot Articles for more 1000 Year Innovative Thinking Sparks...
1. First -- Stephen Hawking weighs in: He's often thinking about "1000 Year Planning" -- new article from Huffington Post: "
Stephen Hawking Predicts Humans Won't Last Another 1,000 Years On Earth..."without escaping beyond our fragile planet"
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Let's think creatively down 3 paths:
a. Addressing Human Population Growth Rates -- Uh -- What's up with that? We don't have an approach for that that anyone can live with together because we have trouble talking about it. Discussions about population growth and birth control have resulted in aggressive societal conflicts globally. At the same time, we're also spending millions/billions on increasing human fertility??
If Stephen Hawking is right -- and we may not last if we don't go into space at this point. Well, do we need to make a 180 degree turn right now -- and discuss fertility and population issues in a more affirmative and 1000-Year-Planning context?
What about aging? We're trying to come up with ways to live to age 1000 -- but then population growth would explode beyond any efforts to comprehend it? We're spending millions on this? Is this what we should be spending millions on in a 1000 Year Plan?
Is "space travel" and "colonizing other planets" is our only choice? Well, if you want to see what another good choice it is, just try thinking of an alternative...that doesn't involve downsizing or population control limits on all life, artificial life, and even technology. (Landfill limits are being reached).
b. We're not yet really looking at Robotic life as "population" -- yet! But could that happen soon? It's not just 7 billion people & counting -- it could be Billions of life-like smart AI high intelligence Robots -- already we're arguing about their "rights" as life forms. What about the "rights" of obsolete Robots?? Because, well, wouldn't we all want the new model? What do we do with the old model?
- Ah: How about this: If we suddenly go headlong into plans to colonize on other planets, might we find ourselves actually trying to increase human population and healthy human fertility, ecosystems, for space colonization efforts. Isn't that interesting?
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Photo Credit: Wikipedia |
- We're creating very "life-like" Robots to do intimate human work such as seniors care. Are they going to the dump our caretaker when obsolete? What if I love my Robot and don't want it to go to the dump because it's obsolete. Will Robotic bodies -- like human bodies -- need to be biodradable? Holographic (thus non-physical)?
- 7 bn Robots would take up space and have resource needs too. What about their resource needs and energy needs?
- What about other species? What about clones? We're already cloning animals -- we're already genetically modifying humans. But we're not doing this with much thought at all about 1000 Year Planning or planetary overpopulation of all kinds. This is going to get interesting.
- What about a Masters in Business for Space Colonization for Population Issues? An M.D. for Space Colonization & Population Issues? Thinking not just 1000 years out, but maybe 10,000 years out.
c. We're not yet talking about solving this BEFORE going into space: Healthy food, energy, resources, technology -- ZERO WASTE -- everything biodegradable. Shouldn't we solve this locally before we start flying around to other planets? Or we'll just take the same problems with us from planet to planet.
Do we really want to set up colonies with overgrowth, toxins, and resource exhaustion built in to the economic/social/health fabric? Do we really want to risk ruining another planet's resources with even the slightest amount of toxic waste/food/manufacturing/medicine/energy plants that might harm the chances for life to thrive on that planet for 1000 Years?
2. And now for something completely different: 1000 Year Food Supplies Thinking... Wait -- wouldn't that apply to colonizing on other planets, too?
Why Are Mainstream Farmers
Giving Up the Plough?
From Treehugger.com. "The full-on model of industrial agriculture--meaning replacement of ecosystem services with fossil fuels and other chemicals -- has been degrading the landscape to a point where resilience has been undermined."
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Photo Credit from Treehugger Article |
"Cover crops, no-till farming, conservation tillage—mainstream farmers are exploring new ways to boost soil health. For everyone's benefit."
It's the soil... Don't hear much about soil in mainstream news. Amazing where we weren't looking when we thought we were "thinking big" to try to feed 7 billion people. And if we do talk about 1000 Year Planning -- it won't be 7 billion people -- it will be WAY WAY SERIOUSLY MORE THAN 7 BILLION PEOPLE WE HAVE TO FEED IN 1000 YEARS.
We can't miss anything. If we assume responsibility for life support and sustainability for 1000 years. 10,000,000 years?? We have to, likely, think more holistically and naturally. Expand that brain/mind.
Might whole-systems thinking (everything is interconnected) and 1000 Year Business Planning -- be the same kind of thinking?
Why aren't we training it? We tend to unfortunately train 1 quarter thinking... But we're changing -- we're starting to look longer -- and that's a good thing!Thinking WAY out of the box, some mainstream farming enterprises are looking at the original ecosystem processes -- and considering giving up the plough!! Permaculture is already a good step toward sustainability -- but this is the first I've seen of mainstream farming considering giving up the plough!!
This may be just the kind of "crazy ideas thinking" we're going to start seeing when we become 1000-Year-Thinkers!
School Gardens Can Help Kids Learn Better And Eat Healthier. So Why Aren't They Everywhere?
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Photo Credit: iStockPhotos |
When we did Right Brain Aerobics training for educators -- this was always top on our list of recommended innovations for better creativity & health (including mental/brain health). And some schools are trying to begin small organic gardens with kids learning gardening.
But this is just the TINIEST smidgeon one step of a great long-term innovation movement that could surprise us all.
Forgetting for the moment the obvious learning and healthier food, how about this for 1000 Year Planning:
- Working in the garden gets the hands in the soil and the body exercised; hands in the soil is shown to have anti-depressant properties -- and exercise gardening is productive exercise! Exercise in a gym in stagnant air...maybe not the best future trend. Could growing your own food -- whether in your school day or at home -- be one of the "productive" or "constructive" exercise routines of our coming era?
- If you're growing food in a garden and eat it organic and unprocessed without chemicals and sugars added -- plus the exercise and knowledge gained -- wouldn't this decrease both obesity & depression? Decrease other health problems and health costs? Increases self-reliance and independent thinking? Knowledge of natural solutions?
Suggestion: You're going to see a lot more than home "schooling" pop up now -- including home "growing of your own food" for children and families. (A friend who is a senior executive in banking decided to reduce his stress after work, and bond and teach his children -- by growing his own garden at home with them. Genius alternative to TV, processed food, and all night on social media, isolated. Will also improve their in-person communication skills.)
Suggestion: Might school-grown organic food & permaculture (no pesticides and maybe even no ploughs) food growing courses -- be a major new breakthrough/innovation track in education and health transformation? Decrease obesity and depression in schools. Might this be a key turn-around point in this half century? For grade school, middle & high school -- and colleges and universities.
Home-grown organic food movements, subsidies (or tax breaks), neighborhood and neighbor-to-neighbor food growing co-ops -- may be a breakthrough track for bonding with children and neighbors. Big saving $ on food, learning to be self-sufficient & healthier, help rebuild healthier ecosystems -- in some ways this may become a "revolutionary" act!
Imagine an AirBNB for Shared Organic or Hydroponic Gardening Plots...coming to a city, rural neighborhood near you. (I love Bev Rose' idea about neighborhoods turning "Grass into Groceries" by joining together and getting help growing local food)...
What's YOUR favorite 1000-Year-Thinking article this week?
Email to: Sandra@rightbrainaerobics.com or Direct Message @SHRodman on Twitter.
See also: New Blog at Right Brain Blogs: "Is Innovation in YOUR Mind Only? Or Tapping a Collective Inner Genius?"
sandra@rightbrainaerobics.com - 425-214-2926
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