Wednesday, September 9, 2015

"IoT Explosion -- Exponential New Consequences: Be A Solution"

CEO/Founder, Right Brain Aerobics
Right Brain Think Tank - Webinars & Right Brain-storming 

invitation, for personal executive development

This explains previous blog about "Who'll Solve Runaway IoT" in 2 sentences.
IoT (Internet of Things): An explosion of new electronic Things-to-Connect, exponentially increasing landfills, EMFs, toxins, electricity use/carbon & security hack/privacy violation opportunities. Be A Solution. 
Creating solutions for IoT unintended consequences now instead of later -- and perhaps we'll reduce negative security, privacy, safety, environmental/body health issues before they become serious.

Example: Microbeads. We could have easily prevented the problems before they occurred by starting with a 1000 Year Business Plan and not producing them. (Who's bearing the cost of taking them out of products, off shelves, out of water and food systems now?)   
Microbeads were added to most body care products (filling our water, food, bodies with more plastic toxins) -- which are now being TAKEN OUT of body care products because they're precipitously entering all water/food systems (we're eating toxic plastic microbeads), let enterprising, future-leader global #Entrepreneurs find solutions before things are out of hand, thinking about how to solve them before the problems occur. And transforming technology shifts like IoT with thoughtful ideas and preventive measures before serious problems occur or harm all life and environments. 
WATCH HERE ("STORY OF STUFF" VIDEO) TO FIND OUT HOW IT HAPPENED THAT YOU ARE NOW EATING PLASTIC MICROBEADS BECAUSE WE DIDN'T THINK AHEAD -- and how to stop eating them. Most body care products have these, have removed natural exfoliants -- but product creators are being forced to remove them due to health/environment impact and public outcry. 
Business/legal/PR/reputation cost?

The ability to Think Ahead before the problems are created, transform innovation to favor long-term sustainable thriving-life environments -- may become the key 1000 Year Business Leadership skill.

1000 Year Thinking means solving the problem before it occurs, with new, creative long-range thinking, focusing on a long-range thinking intelligence. Thus developing a whole new genre, an era of ethical, ecologically healthy, sustainable technologies.

We will create new creative minds this way as well -- long-term-impact thinking requires using imagination, creativity, empathy, compassion, ethical thinking, mental power, a kind of mental time-travel -- in whole new ways.

S.H. Rodman


S.H. Rodman

Sandra H. Rodman, CEO/Founder, Right Brain AerobicsOrganizational & Individual Training for Right Brain Aerobics -- Training for Innovation and Higher Creative Intelligence – exploring Quantum Leap Thinking... Former VP, Merrill Lynch & Senior Director AT&T Wireless, Director, Phoenix House Foundation; former board member, Transition Whidbey for local sustainability. National trainer and speaker, playwright and composer.

Get in touch! About your 1000 Year Business Plan and a Right Brain Think Tank session -- or Right Brain Motivational Speak/Training: - 425-214-2926

@SHRodman on Twitter - Sandra H. Rodman, Linked In
Right Brain Think Tank - Webinars & Right Brain-storming by invitation, for personal executive development
1000 Year Business Plan
: Make It Matter, Make It Last, Make It Destiny
Right Brain Blogs blogsite

#IoT, #Entrepreneurs, #Brain, #Business, #Sustainability, #Landfills, #Microbeads, #1000YearBiz

(c) 2015 S.H. Rodman